Merriam Webster defines joy as / a: the emotion evoked by well-being, success, or good fortune or by the prospect of possessing what one desires: DELIGHT / b: the expression or exhibition of such emotion: GAIETY.


For most of us joy is really just a feeling. Joy doesn’t think, joy feels. And joy is a feeling that comes and goes because joy is a feeling that’s relative – it’s measured against its antonyms. You can’t have joy without pain and you can’t have joy without sorrow…or regret or loss or grief. Joy is a feeling that’s measured against antonyms.

We sometimes confuse joy with its definitional brethren. Take the word “peace” as an example. Peace is a condition of the mind; joy is the status of your heart. Peace may present itself as a feeling, but it’s more cerebral. Peace is something you find mentally. Peace is a knowing at a conscious level that all is well in your world. Joy is different. Joy is the root of the word “rejoice” and rejoicing is a condition of your spirit. Joy transcends the metaphysical. There’s nothing quite like joy on this earth.

Those who don’t believe in the importance of joy are usually the jealous, the martyrs, or just crusty old protestant men. They argue that joy can only be attained by sacrifice and suffrage. Not true. Joy should be on your to-do list every day. It’s better than depression, better than anger, better than greed, better than sloth. Joy is where it’s at people. Have a Coke and some joy.

But the best thing about joy is that it doesn’t need to be difficult. In fact the parts of life that deliver us the most joy are often life’s simplest pleasures. Like babies and puppies. Like driving the California One in a convertible Porsche on the perfect May day. Like a summer concert when the band starts playing that one song and suddenly it’s the world’s biggest sing along.

There’s a lot of joy in the world, it’s really just a question of whether you’re paying attention. But isn’t it always? And remember…in all things, including joy, teach your children well.

Good luck and have a good week.

Joe Still

“Dogs have boundless enthusiasm but no sense of shame. I should have a dog as a life coach.”
– Moby